- Деталі
1. VE6LK: One CW Question series draws to a close after 6 months (серія питань про CW добігає кінця через 6 місяців) - https://qrper.com/2024/07/one-cw-question-series-draws-to-a-close-after-6-months/
2. World Radio League Mobile App - https://worldradioleague.com/mobile-apps/
3. RTL-SDR Blog V4 Users Guide - https://www.rtl-sdr.com/V4/
** rtl-sdr-blog - https://github.com/rtlsdrblog/rtl-sdr-blog/releases
4. Complete SDR or Pan Adapter - https://quantumsdr.com/
5. Morse News V5.0 (Keyer is V5.2) - https://morse-rss-news.sourceforge.net/
73 de UT2AB
- Деталі
1. TB5X SSB 40m QRP Transceiver - https://3v8hb.wordpress.com/2022/08/31/tb5x-ssb-cw-40m-qrp/
** Vacuum Tube receiver (приймачі на лампах) - https://3v8hb.wordpress.com/vintage-radio/recepteur-a-lampe/
2. CW Not Hard Enough? Try This Tiny Paddle (CW недостатньо важко? Спробуйте цей крихітний ключ) - https://hackaday.com/2024/07/22/cw-not-hard-enough-try-this-tiny-paddle/
3. Random Wire Review №100 - https://www.randomwire.us/p/random-wire-review-100-july-26-2024
** GB2RS News Script for 28 July 2024 - https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/gb2rs-news-scripts/2024/07/26/gb2rs-news-script-for-28-july-2024/
4. mods.dk - найкращий сайт в Інтернеті з інструкціями щодо ремонту модифікацій і вдосконалення HAM rigs, HAM modems, тощо - https://www.mods.dk/
5. Drive on mast holders - https://w2lj.blogspot.com/2024/07/drive-on-mast-holders.html
73 de UT2AB
- Деталі
1. RFBitBanger Batch 2 QRP HF Amateur Radio Kit - https://www.ebay.com/itm/364783754396
** RFBitBanger-kit - https://github.com/OpenResearchInstitute/RFBitBanger-kit/tree/main/batch2
** RFBitBanger Solstice Special - https://us.commitchange.com/ca/san-diego/open-research-institute/campaigns/rfbitbanger-solstice-special
2. Building the 6 Meter Moxon Antenna - https://www.jpole-antenna.com/2014/06/11/building-the-6-meter-moxon-antenna/
3. Repeater Builder (інформаційний сайт ретрансляторів) - https://www.repeater-builder.com/rbtip/
4. IOTA List / Beam Headings - https://www.mapability.com/ei8ic/iota/iota.php
5. SPROUTIE - https://aa7ee.wordpress.com/2024/07/22/the-sproutie-10-years-on-and-w3bbo-builds-another-sproutie/
73 de UT2AB
- Деталі
1. QRP HomeBuilder – QRPHB - https://qrp-popcorn.blogspot.com/
** Radio QRP - https://www.geocities.ws/radio107mhz/
2. DX Cluster Telnet Links - https://www.iw5edi.com/ham-radio/3797/dx-cluster-telnet-links
3. HB9CV antenna online calculator - https://3g-aerial.biz/en/online-calculations/antenna-calculations/hb9cv-antenna-online-calculator
4. IARUMS R1 Newsletter June 2024 - https://www.iaru-r1.org/2024/iarums-r1-newsletter-june-2024/
5. UARO: Ukraine Аmateur Radio Operators - https://t.me/Ukraine_Amateur_Radio_Operators
73 de UT2AB
- Деталі
1. 3 Transistor Short Wave Radio - http://www.netzener.net/index.php/project-articles/15-3-transistor-short-wave-radio
2. EU Feld Hell Net (нова європейська мережа Feld Hell) - https://feldhell.net/
** HAMNET ( Highspeed A amater radio M multimedia NET work) — це автономна мережа на основі бездротових пристроїв - https://hamnet.eu/site/index.html
3. RFNM (software defined radio) - https://rfnm.io/
4. VOACAP Online User’s Manual - https://www.voacap.com/2023/documents/VOACAP_Manual.pdf
5. WSJT-X 2.7.0 RC 6 SuperFox Bug-Fix - https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html
73 de UT2AB
- Деталі
1. HBRCW5 3W CW transceiver - https://diankurniawan.wordpress.com/2024/04/
2. Rules of the SWL Contest 2024 june july august 2024 - https://icomjapan.blogspot.com/2024/01/rules-of-swl-contest-2024-june-july.html
3. Презентація Data for Dummies (посібник для початківців із цифрових режимів зв’язку) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10qx2PdQCRaLY103TgHPrzmy91CsuD5Vq/view
4. Otto (assistant for WSJT-X) - https://github.com/avantol/Otto
** Semmi (assistant for WSJT-X) - https://github.com/avantol/Semmi
5. SWL-UKRAINE - //www.youtube.com/@SWL-UKRAINE">https://www.youtube.com/@SWL-UKRAINE
73 de UT2AB