1. Iambic keyer with touch pad - https://diankurniawan.wordpress.com/2025/03/06/iambic-keyer-with-touch-pad/

** HAM POTA (park on the air) - https://diankurniawan.wordpress.com/2025/02/24/ham-pota-park-on-the-air/

2. DIY Magnetic Loop - https://4x5mg.net/post-series/diy-magnetic-loop/

3. Building a 4-Element Yagi Antenna for the 6m Band - https://sz1a.org/en/featured-articles/building-a-4-element-yagi-antenna-for-the-6m-band/

4. How To Install The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Inspired Linux Lubuntu Distro Called “DragonOS_Focal” Onto An Old Windows 10 Laptop (Як інсталювати дистрибутив Linux Lubuntu під назвою «DragonOS_Focal» на основі програмно-визначеного радіо (SDR) на старий ноутбук з Windows 10) - https://km1ndy.com/how-to-install-sdr-radio-linux-dragonos_focal/

5. AEA MM-3 Morse Machine Contest Keyer v.0.4 - https://github.com/ZS6WAR/ZS6WAR---AEA-MM-3-Morse-Machine-Contest-Keyer

73 de UT2AB