1. QRPGuys DS-1 40-10m  Short Vertical - https://www.huyettm.net/qrpguys-ds1-40m--10m-antenna.html

** 29 or 35 foot end fed wire - https://www.huyettm.net/2935-foot-end-fed-wire.html

2. WSPR Transmitter Construction And Programming - https://www.robertfontana.com/AK3Y/resources/WSPR-Transmitter-Construction.pdf

3. SWLog (Build 9165) - https://shortwavelog.com/

** Smart Logger 2021 - https://smartlogger.app/

4. Wait and Pounce FT8 (альтернатива JTAlert, доступно як для Apple, так і для Windows (10+)) - https://sourceforge.net/projects/wait-and-pounce-ft8/

5. The Rooster-Tenna (2m) - https://qsl.net/k/kd7tww/Antennas/The%20Rooster-Tenna.pdf

** Easy Multi Band Vertical Antenna for HF (Легка багатодіапазонна вертикальна антена для КХ)


73 de UT2AB