1. QRP LABS Receiver Module - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uto1tH18ye8

2. HamAlert Cluster Client - https://www.oe3ide.com/hamalert-cluster-client/

3. SOTA Goat (Summits On The Air assistant) - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sota-goat/id590206108

4. Building a 4-Element Yagi Antenna for the 6m Band (Створення 4-елементної антени Yagi для 6-метрового діапазону) - https://sz1a.org/en/featured-articles/building-a-4-element-yagi-antenna-for-the-6m-band/

** How To Build a Rotator Controller with a Computer Interface (Як створити контролер ротатора з комп’ютерним інтерфейсом) - https://sz1a.org/en/featured-articles/how-to-build-your-own-rotator-controller-with-a-computer-interface/

5. DX FT8 a multiband FT8 digital mode tablet transceiver - https://github.com/WB2CBA/DX-FT8-FT8-MULTIBAND-TABLET-TRANSCEIVER

73 de UT2AB