1. Arduino QRP Transceiver - https://m0xpd.blogspot.com/2013/03/arduino-qrp-transceiver.html
2. BPF Boards - https://martein.home.xs4all.nl/pa3ake/hmode/bpf_all.html
3. PA3GSB Radioberry v2.0 - https://hamimports.com/radio/pa3gsb-radioberry-v2-0/
4. SV2AGW - Quality Ham Software and Services - https://www.sv2agw.com/#qsl
5. The Art of DX Pileup Busting (Мистецтво руйнування DX Pileup. Деякі неформальні думки про роботу CW DX) - https://www.amateurradio.com/the-art-of-dx-pileup-busting/?awt_a=4inN&awt_l=EP7FQ&awt_m=lqAV_aURyjrzbnN
** Getting Started in DXing (Як почати робити з DXing) - https://www.cadxa.org/getting-started-in-dxing.html
73 de UT2AB