1. PITITICO CW QRPP transceiver for the 40M band - https://dxexplorer.com/pititico-cw-qrpp-transceiver/

** QRP MULTI-Z antenna tuner experiment - https://dxexplorer.com/multi-z-antenna-tunner/

2. DXCC Flags (338 "entities") - http://w4.vp9kf.com/dxcc_flags.htm

** Колекція логотипів товариств-членів IARU - http://vp9kf.com/iaru_logos.htm  

3. Portable 2m 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna (Портативна коаксіальна дипольна антена) - https://vk1nam.wordpress.com/2m-coaxial-dipole-antenna/

4. Hexbeam (конструкція антени) - https://www.w1uuu.com/my-cheap-hexbeam/

** Homebrew HEXBEAM page by W1GQL- https://maltshopbooks.com/hex/buildyour.htm

5. CQMM DX CONTEST - http://www.cqmmdx.com/rules/

… 4.4) SO / AB / QRP – Single Operator, All Band, QRP :

– Please do not include / QRP after transmitting your callsign. Only when sending the RST.

– Same general settings listed under item 4.2;

– The total power output shall not exceed 5 watts.


Regular participants ( Not CWJF Members, or QRP, or YL or Group ), must send only: RST + Continent (eg, 599 EU, 599 SA, 599 AF).

8.1) CWJF GROUP Members ( list ) :

RST + Continent + M ( eg, 599 SAM, 599 EUM );

8.2) QRP Stations :

RST + Continent + Q ( eg, 599 EUQ, 599 NAQ – even if you are a Member or YL );

8.3) YL Stations :

RST + Continent + Y ( eg, 599 OCY, 599 AFY – even if you are a Member or QRP);